Dr. Danielle Stewart

From: Truro, NS.

Role: Veterinarian

Studied at the Nova Scotia Agricultural College (now the Dalhousie Agricultural College) and the Atlantic Veterinary College.

She has a menagerie of pets including three dogs; Ezra, and Marvel (who are boxers), and Rocks, a lab mix; and two cats, Squeak and Oliver. When she’s off work, she loves hiking with her doggos or settling in with a nice book after a stint at the gym. She’s been with Fundy Vets for over 2 years now, and loves her wonderful coworkers. Given the choice of any animal in the world, she’d choose to be a hippo - Why? Because they are fabulous! Ice cream is her treat of choice. She also loves discovering new music, especially if she can go see the artist perform in person nearby! 


Tony Spina


Dr. Andrew Boulter